Skateable Art by Spohn Ranch Skateparks

Skateable Art by Spohn Ranch Skateparks, originally uploaded by ellishays. Our semi-secret skateable art project is moving forward quickly. The final pre-cast concrete pieces look amazing. We’ll have the pieces in the ground and skateable before summer, so look for it in a park near you! We’re not sure if the city is deeming it a “skate park”, so the … FULL POST »

Grand Opening of Dunlap Skatepark – built by Spohn Ranch

Dunlap Skatepark Spohn Ranch Concrete Skateparks, originally uploaded by ellishays. There’s a new concrete skate plaza in Washington Township, PA! Skaters of all ages enjoyed the grand opening on April 5th. The team from Pit Crew in Frederick, Maryland put on an amazing demonstration, including a few nail-biting trick contests. The park is an innovative street plaza featuring real street … FULL POST »