Conventional thinking used to say that skateparks required large rectangular plots of land, with fences and large buffers from other park amenities and activities. Spohn Ranch is proud to take a leading role in changing that way of thinking with innovative skateboarding spaces that are integrated directly into the heart of a park landscape.
When space comes at a premium and funds are limited, “skate dots” are a great way to accommodate the skateboarders that you know will be hunting for terrain in the park either way.
Gordon Park in La Grange, Illinois is now home to a great example of this. With an organic-shaped 2,000 square foot area and a handful of skateable elements, skateboarders have a designated space while not feeling isolated from the rest of the community.
Even for non-skaters, skateboarding is extremely fun to watch. Putting skateboarders center stage is an added bonus for park goers who want something interesting to watch as they’re going on their walk or playing with their young kids.
Sure, at least some kind of a buffer between spaces is good and it does take some getting used to, but with a little faith in humanity working things out over time, it’s clear that the positives vastly outweigh the negatives.