Hard work pays off. In September of 2012, years of advocacy and fundraising by Bellevue, Pennsylvania skateboarders culminated in the grand opening of the Bellevue Skate Plaza. Since then, skateboarders from throughout the Pittsburgh area have been enjoying the 4,000 square feet of fresh concrete in Bayne Park.
Last month we got word that the Borough of Bellevue and the Quaker Valley Council of Governments received grant funding for a 2,500 square foot addition to the skatepark. As with phase-1, we collaborated with local skateboarders on the design to ensure that the daily users of the park were riding their dream park – not ours. The second round of funding was fairly small, so we weren’t able to replicate the size of phase-1, but the phase-2 addition does add some solid flow and an increased variety of elements.
Taking advantage of the unseasonably warm weather, construction is currently underway! While we anticipate the phase-2 addition being complete in the spring of 2013, we’ll continue working until the snow gives us a firm “No!”. Stay tuned for construction updates and click the image above to see a few different angles of the skatepark design.